Monday, December 27, 2010

REVIEW: "Red in the Flower Bed" by Andrea Nepa

"Red in the Flower Bed" by Andrea Nepa is a children's book that tells the tale of interracial adoption by using the analogy of a flower seed. There is no room for the little poppy seed to grow up with the other poppy flowers, so the wind takes it along until it finds a suitable place with room and love for the seed to grow. The seed grows into a lovely red poppy, adding a new color to the flower garden.

Told in rhyme with colorful picture accompaniment, this story will appeal to children (and adults) of all ages. Children reading this story will likely not relate it to the idea of interracial adoption, but that leaves room for interpretations of all kinds. As a result, I think this book will appeal to all types of situations. This book has the potential to open up conversations between parent and child about differences and how those differences make each of us special.

The pictures are simple and engaging. They add context to the simple rhyme. The rhyme changes cadence from verse to verse, which gives it a very artistic feel, but may make reading it aloud a bit awkward the first time. Altogether, a lovely book and a recommended read.

4.5 /5 stars

Read an excerpt of the book here.

See the book trailer:

Available from Tribute Books and also on Amazon


Tribute Books said...

Grace - thanks for such a thorough and heartfelt review. We are so glad that you are sharing RED IN THE FLOWER BED with the readers of MotherLode. We appreciate your support of the book and for participating in the blog tour.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Best wishes,
Tribute Books

Andrea Nepa said...

Thank you very much for reviewing my book.